Saturday, February 16, 2013

Enjoying alone time

Well, my kids are away for a couple of hours (thank god. i love them, but a mom has to get a break)
and I have been doing boring stuff, like cleaning and laundry... I decided to veg now in my bed watching a movie, but this dinosaur keeps getting in my way! He probably wanted to spend some time with the redhead ;)
This is a very random post, but I have lot's of fun stuff coming up. I will try to post some fun crafts  and activities that we have been doing as a family this week. I also have a yummy recipe that I want to share. It's actually not me that came up with it, but it's soooo good !
Have a great weekend ! xo


  1. People say that they can't comment!!! How come??

  2. Lol ! That dinosaur cracks me up !


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